We Indians love milk!! It has a religious importance but its uses go beyond the religious uses to nutritional and dietary. Milk is like a potion for healthy living which nourishes not only kids and elders but also help muscle recovery in athletes. Milk is rich source of amino acids, protein, carbohydrate, lipids, calcium, vitamins and minerals. So, does this makes it a new recovery drink for sports?

After an extensive sports practice or workout there’s a wide range of sports drink to choose from, getting us all confused. But studies have shown there’s another recovery drink besides… “MILK”.

The rich carbohydrate (Lactose) and protein (Whey &Casein) content of milk makes it a perfect muscle recovery drink. Its higher water content prevents dehydration by replenishing the lost fluid from sweat. Additionally, it is a nutritional pack of calcium, vitamin D, sodium, potassium, phosphorus that helps muscle restoration and fluid hold in body.

Athletes can consider it to be the high quality inexpensive nutritional alternative to the other sports recovery drinks that help rebuild and refuel muscles post exercise.

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