Beets also known as “sweet root” have origin to Mediterranean and have a long history dated back to 8th century. Before it became popular as food, it was used for dyes, teas and medicinal purposes. Beetroot gets it purple-crimson color from betacyanin which acts as an excellent antioxidant.

Since our childhood we have been eating it in variety of forms and tasty treats, but did you know that its been traditionally used as a sweetener!! With this traditional sweetener containing approximately 7 grams of sugar and 43 calories in 100grams, we can make our meals and desserts healthy!

Besides sweetening agent, it also serves as a natural food color and has an earthy flavor. This earthy flavor of the root is due to an organic microbe produced in the soil called “geosmin”. Spinach, lettuce and mushrooms also get their earthy taste through geosmin and is a natural compound.

It’s a superfood packed with essential nutrients like iron, vitamin A, vitamin C, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, folate. Also, fibre rich helps bowel function and in lowering cholesterol.

Studies have shown to improve athletic performance on consumption of beet by improving the amount of oxygen muscles absorb.

This explains why we find beets on healthy menus and fancy restaurants!

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