Life is Now

Take care of your wellness today!

We a team of wellness experts, don’t believe in generic plans that suits all. We customize our consulting services to cater to your needs. Practical solutions and logistic changes are what we focus on


require require

Your BMI is......

less than 18.5:Underweight
18.5 - 24.9:Normal weight
25 - 29.9:Overweight
30 - 34.9:Class I Obese
35 - 39.9:Class II Obese
40 upwards:Class III Obese

Nutrigetic Wellness is here to provide you different wellness services under one roof!

This is the right place where we guide individuals of different age groups, who desire to have a better and healthier living.

We address our client’s health issues and focus to improve their overall health with personalized plans. Every individual’s graph of physical health and lifestyle does not flow along the same lines and so we are here with you to balance and overcome these challenges.

Team Nutrigetic Wellness is committed to support you to achieve your health and wellness goals! We are a team of Nutritionists, dietitians, life coaches, psychologists, physiotherapist who don’t believe in generic plan that suits all. We customize our consulting services to cater to your needs.

Practical solutions and logistic changes are what we focus on!

Health & Lifestyle Care

Believe in creating healthy habits for healthy lifestyle, not restrictions!

Nutrition Care

We provide customized, evidence-based nutrition services that fits our client’s requirements and lifestyle preferences.

  • Sports Nutrition
  • Wellness Nutrition
  • Women Health & Nutrition
  • Pediatric Nutrition
  • Geriatric Nutrition
  • Affordable Nutrition 

Mental Wellness Care

We support and care for your mental and emotional wellbeing.

  • Mood Disorder
  • Eating Disorder
  • Anxiety Disorder
  • Sleep Disorder
  • Body Image

Fitness Care

For all the fitness enthusiasts, get our experts support to level up your fitness.

  • Weight Management Program
  • Wedding Bells Fitness Diet Program

Life Coaching

Our life coaching services will help you maximize your personal as well as professional potential and empower to clarify and achieve your goals.

  • Gain clarity in your life’s purpose & goal
  • Inspire & Empower others to become an effective leader
  • Get a mind support to health issues
  • Know your power and self control

Corporate Wellness

We offer corporate wellness solutions for employee’s wellbeing by organizing a creative and customized ways to help employees stick to the culture of health and healthy lifestyle to boost your organization’s productivity.

  • Improve your employee’s wellness & mental health
  • Build a team spirit & boost productivity
  • Build a healthy work culture

What Our Client's Says

I have worked for several months with Nutrigetic Wellness to get me a nutrition support for my training, hydration and fuelling. When I started, I had an injury and undergone a surgery for the same. Throught their expert advise and guidance I was not just able to recover well but even won a medal at an international tournament. I am happy with results I have seen on my health & performance with the help of their diet plans. They helped me maximizie my training by fuelling my body through balanced nutrition plan.
Sakshi Gahlawat
International badminton player.
I have done lot of diets in past, though they proved effective (partially) but they seemed to be temporary & also were unhealthy. With Nutrigetic it was different. It was not only the eating habits which I learned & altered but I gained a lot of insight on Exercise & Rest. We targeted one of my sports competition (Duathlon). I saw a drastic difference in my performance & I clocked my personal best in both running & cycling. The discussions on both Exercise & Nutrition were like an education & knowledge enhancing sessions for me, knowing the requirements for the competition which I participate. I got to know a lot about my body & lifestyle which was never told previously. Working with Nutrigetic has opened a different chapter for me in nutrition, health & fitness domain. I look for enhanced performance in the competitions which I struggled to complete in past. Thanks Nutrigetic & look forward to work again for the coming competition. Highly recommended.
Abhijeet Kulkarni


We customize our consulting services to cater to your needs. Book session based on your requirements.

Indiviual Session

Group Session

Train The Trainer

Educational Workshop




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require require

Your BMI is......

less than 18.5:Underweight
18.5 - 24.9:Normal weight
25 - 29.9:Overweight
30 - 34.9:Class I Obese
35 - 39.9:Class II Obese
40 upwards:Class III Obese

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